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Boost Your Performance With the FLEXIN Methodology
Flexin is an agile methodology that puts the customer first. Focuses on delivering value quickly through short development cycles and constant communication. Flexin allows you to adapt to changes, always meeting the client’s needs.

Leonardo Mazzitelli
My deepest commitment, both professionally and personally, focuses on reclaiming the figure of the technical leader in the context of agile methodologies. Throughout my career, I have observed how this feature is often overlooked, despite its critical importance in the success of software projects.
Motivated by this vision, I have conceived and developed the FLEX-IN agile methodology. My goal is to demonstrate how the strategic addition of a technical leader can significantly boost the performance of a development team. FLEX-IN not only seeks to reintegrate this forgotten figure, but also demonstrate how its presence can be a catalyst for efficiency and excellence in project execution.

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